Our Will Writing Service

We are keen on promoting Welsh

You do not need to have your will in Welsh but it is a service we can offer. The service is supplied by Ruth Peak who is part of our overall team. She is well known for her love of and expertise in the language and you know you can trust her to draw this very important document.

We Pursue Excellence in our service

We need to be realistic about the content of a will. There is no point in making complicated arrangements with trusts if there is no advantage to doing so. With aggregation of the exemptions between the estates of couples the need for tax planning is reduced.

We Practice Honesty in our service

We will be open with you about cost. Most wills can be dealt with by way of a very realistic fixed fee and we are more than happy to give you a fixed fee in most cases. We intend to keep to our quote but if this proves impossible we will discuss the changes with you and take your instructions before opening you up to increased cost. For the more complex estates we would often propose making use of expert Counsel so as to make sure that any proposed tax saving ideas are the best on offer at the time.

We are realistic with our prices

Our aim is to help as many people as possible to set out what they want to happen to their assets on their death.
We realise that just because you have assets that will form a reasonable estate this does not mean you have the funds to spend on a will at this time.
The importance of a will is not to be under estimated and we aim to encourage as many people as possible to help those they leave behind to avoid financial disputes – especially with the tax authorities.

About Our Process

The Service

  • You will talk to a solicitor about your needs and a full note will be taken by that person. Every care will be taken to ensure your wishes are followed.
  • You will be given a draft to consider before completing the will at our offices or another address you choose.
  • We will make sure the will is completed properly. Errors at this stage can mean your will is invalid in whole or in part. We will check that signatures are added at the correct time and witnesses are not also named in the will.
  • We can store the will on your behalf with a copy being retained by you. This is recommended as if an original will is destroyed or cannot be found it is assumed you meant to cancel it. If you choose we can agree to carry out the probate work at our usual low prices.

Speed of service

  • 01
    We hope to see you quickly following first contact.
  • 02 We expect to have a draft ready for you within a working day. We will be quicker in emergencies.
  • 03 You can consider the will in your own home or come to our office to discuss the draft
  • 04 When all the formalities are dealt with, you decide where this important document is stored.